Neglect of traditional metrics will lead to mistakes that will negatively impact your voice app performance and engagement. Avoid these mistakes, and read more.
How to Think About Voice App Performance and Why It’s Important Now

Neglect of traditional metrics will lead to mistakes that will negatively impact your voice app performance and engagement. Avoid these mistakes, and read more.
Voicebot editor and Bespoken founder/CEO John Kelvie talk about voice apps, voice diagnostics, and the future of voice in episode 6 of The Voicebot Podcast.
Welcome to the new look of Bespoken brand. We still have the same tools, but they are no longer in the name (just Bespoken now).
Given the danger of the technological singularity, we should carefully observe bots and Alexa skills. We call it the diagnostics singularity. Read more.
Listen to Amazon Alexa and Echo Chief Evangelist, Dave Isbitski, interview Bespoken CEO, John Kelvie in episode 13 of the Alexa Dev Chat podcast.
Shakespeare, bot UX, and infinite monkeys. Shakespeare is the central, guiding AI, the genius, while third-party developers and systems are the humble, hard-working monkeys.
The Alexa Voice Assistant opens up great possibilities for developers. Here is a quick reference guide of what custom Alexa skills can do.
3 reasons why the Alexa model is better. What’s different about it? Why is it better? So what? The interaction is all done using HTTPS and JSON. Read more.
CEO and founder, John Kelvie, publishes a diagnostics manifesto. The Anti-Heisenberg Principle is born. Read the 7 facets of building voice app systems.