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November 2, 2017 in Blog

How I Tested and Debugged My Cool New Alexa Skill

TL;DR Automated testing and monitoring tools to create Alexa skills quickly, rapidly iterating through development, testing, and debugging cycles. See example.

At Bespoken, we strive to eat our own dog food. And to that end, we had a recent hackathon to build our own Alexa skills. I decided to build a fun game, based on the show “The Price Is Right” – it shows you an item and asks you to guess how much it costs. I’m submitting it now – I hope you enjoy it once it is launched!

As part of the core development team, I was able to use our manual and automated testing tools to create my skill quickly, rapidly iterating through develop, test and debug cycles. Now I’m going to show you how I did it, and why I think it gave me an unfair advantage in creating a great skill, fast.

The first tool I used was our speak command in our CLI – getting started with it requires just this command:

npm install bespoken-tools -g

Once setup, I could run different utterances directly against my skill, saying things like:
bst speak open guess the price
bst speak two players

With each command, I get back the actual reply from Alexa – including the speech-to-text transcription, any stream URLs, as well as information about cards:

The command uses the actual Alexa Voice Service (AVS), so I did need to register a device with Amazon to use it. The command-line tool guides you through this process, so it’s easy. Once completed, the great thing is I am working with the real Alexa!

I ran through whole sequences of interaction (I kept them in a simple shell script) – to quickly see if my skill was working correctly. It saved me a ton of time! You can read more about the speak command here.

Once I had the basics of my skill working, I wanted to go beyond just manual testing – I actually wanted to add some automated tests.

For this I turned to our Virtual Alexa project – this is an emulator that mimics the behavior of Alexa. It generates JSON based on the utterances I send to it. Take a look at a sample test here:

it("Launches successfully", async function() {
const bvd = require("virtual-alexa");
const alexa = bvd.VirtualAlexa.Builder()
.handler("index.handler") // Lambda function file and name
let reply = await alexa.launch();
assert.include(reply.response.outputSpeech.ssml, "Welcome to guess the price");
// Skill asks for number of players
reply = await alexa.utter("2");
assert.include(reply.response.outputSpeech.ssml, "what is your name");
assert.include(reply.response.outputSpeech.ssml, "contestant one");
// Skill asks for name of player one
reply = await alexa.utter("john");
assert.include(reply.response.outputSpeech.ssml, "what is your name");
assert.include(reply.response.outputSpeech.ssml, "Contestant 2");
// Skill asks for name of player two
reply = await alexa.utter("juan");
assert.include(reply.response.outputSpeech.ssml, "let's start the game");
assert.include(reply.response.outputSpeech.ssml, "Guess the price");
// Skill asks the first player to guess the price of an item
reply = await alexa.utter("200 dollars");
assert.include(reply.response.outputSpeech.ssml, "the actual price was");

We did a previous example with virtual alexa that use promises – in this case, we are actually using async/await. It makes the code even cleaner and more readable. Since I am working with AWS Lambda (which only supports up to Node 6, and so does not yet include native async/await support), I used babel to transpile my code. You can see the whole project here.

These unit tests are easy to write, and gave me a great deal of confidence in my code and my ability to refactor and change it as I go forward.

I hope that you find these manual and automated testing tools as useful and easy-to-use as I did. Talk to me on Gitter or in the Alexa slack channel – @jperata. Or just add a comment below. Love to hear your feedback and questions!

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