About to launch your streaming audio app? Read this article first and learn how to avoid tedious manual testing for a fraction of the time and money – this is how testing works with Bespoken 🤖.
Listen to the Music 🎼

About to launch your streaming audio app? Read this article first and learn how to avoid tedious manual testing for a fraction of the time and money – this is how testing works with Bespoken 🤖.
This is part 2 of the super simple Alexa AudioPlayer. Updates: Navigate tracks using built-in intents and queue up tracks automatically. Read more.
How to use the Alexa AudioPlayer in the easiest way possible—no code dependencies, no frameworks, structured as JavaScript/NodeJS Lambda. Get started.
Your skill can respond with pre-recorded audio, a nice way to add some variety and personality to the listener experience. Start playing audio with Alexa.
The Alexa Voice Assistant opens up great possibilities for developers. Here is a quick reference guide of what custom Alexa skills can do.
Now that Alexa audio streaming is available from Amazon. In this developer diary blog post, see some of John Kelvie’s initial work with the new API.